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Alnico Magnets

Alnico Magnets

Types Of Alnico Pickup Permanent Magnets For Sale

A high working temperature limit (550°C/1020°F) makes Alnico especially well-suited for sensitive automotive and aircraft sensor applications. Alnico permanent magnets are produced in many grades to fit the requirements of these applications, from Alnico 1 to Alnico 12, but the most popular grades are 2, 5 and 8. By comparison to the newer materials, the coercivity of Alnico permanent magnets is low.

Types of Alnico Magnets for Sale

Leyuan Alnico Magnets Products Show 01

Leyuan Alnico Magnets Products Show 01

Leyuan Alnico Magnets Products Show 02

Leyuan Alnico Magnets Products Show 02

The Specification of Alnico Magnets

Magnetic and Physical Properties of Cast Alnico Magnet

GradeEquivalent MMPA ClassBrHcbBH(max)WTRemark

Where Alnico permanent magnets are appropriate, the sizes of alnico magnets for sale can be minimized if it can be magnetized after assembly into the magnetic circuit. If used independently of other circuit components, as in security applications, the effective length-to-diameter ratio (related to the permeance coefficient) must be great enough to cause the magnet to work above the knee in its second quadrant demagnetization curve. For critical applications, Alnico magnets may be calibrated to an established reference flux density value. However, a result of low coercivity is sensitivity to demagnetizing effects due to external magnetic fields, shock, and application temperatures. For critical applications, Alnico magnets can be temperature-stabilized to minimize these effects.

As one of the most professional alnico magnet manufacturers from China, Leyuan has the alnico bar magnets for sale. If you want to buy alnico magnets and want to know alnico magnet price or our other alnico magnet types, please contact Disheng or leave a message through our website.

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